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Sometimes I wonder by the look in your eyes
When I'm standing beside you
There's a fever burning deep inside.
Is there another in your memory
Do you think of that someone
When you hear that special melody?
I always stop and think of you especially
When the words of a love song touch the very heart of me.
There'll be sad songs to make you cry -
Love songs often do.
They can touch the heart of someone new -
Saying I love you.
(I Love you)
I often wonder how it could be - you loving me -
Two hearts in perfect harmony.
I'll count the hours until that day
A rhapsody plays a melody for you and me.
Until the moment that you give your love to me
You're the one I care for
The one that I would wait for.
[Chorus x2]
You're my desire
You take me higher
My love is like a river running so deep.
I always stop and think of you especially
When the words of a love song touch the very heart of me.
[Chorus x2]
Sayin' I love you...
I love you