
zkStudyClub: Multi-scalar multiplication: state of the art & new ideas with Gus Gutoski (Consensys)

zkStudyClub: Multi-scalar multiplication: state of the art & new ideas with Gus Gutoski (Consensys) zkStudyClub is a monthly study group about a specific topic in the zk space.

Title: Multi-scalar multiplication: state of the art & new ideas


Speaker: Gus Gutoski (Consensys)

Abstract: The speaker presents a new idea with a demonstrated 5% speed-up for multi-scalar multiplication. When combined with precomputation, this method could yield upwards of 20% speed-up. The speaker poses an open problem on generalizing this idea via endomorphisms of elliptic curves. The presentation also includes:
* A description of the state-of-the-art algorithm for multi-scalar multiplication called the bucket method.
* Approaches for improving upon the bucket method: parallelism, precomputation, alternative scalar encodings.

Links mentioned in the presentation:
* 2012/549 - Faster batch forgery identification - Section 4: "Overlap in the Bos–Coster approach", "Overlap in the Straus approach", "Overlap in the Pippenger approach".
* Pippenger's exponentiation algorithm](
* Optimal Left-to-right Binary Signed-DigitRecoding -


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