Private intel army of fakes- fake protesters under orders to incite riot, paid doctors and nurses under orders to invent covid cases, paid Youtubers under orders to mislead and befriend legit people and an entirely fake government under corporate orders that some still cant comprehend is set dead against civilian humanity, whom will never do anything in your favour and despise citizens as scum who interfere with there profit.
It's not just Soros, earthwide intel has been doing it for decades, only new thing is now billionaires also hire D-grade actors to entirely forge fake public opinion from scratch. All the intels work together, all the alphabet soups in USA are run from canadian intel (the back door of Toronto), who in turn are run by Mi5 who in turn are run by papal intel, the vaticans' knights of Malta.
Research the jesuit, then you will see the most simple power base that dispels ALL the fake smoke-screen boogeymen who have no power but that given to them by the holy see - (the Jesuit Black Pope.)
Hope this helps.