
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in America - Online Event - Presented by the ICFI

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in America - Online Event - Presented by the ICFI 00:00
00:11 Political introduction
05:05 Introduction of panelists
07:38 David North on the coup hatched in the White House and the crisis of American democracy
11:31 David North on the global consequences of the crisis in the US
15:45 David North on the silence of Democrats, and opposition to Trump in the US military
20:08 Joseph Kishore on the significance of Trump's dictatorial statement in the Rose Garden
24:52 Joseph Kishore on the Socialist Equality Party's election platform
28:25 Joseph Kishore on the revolutionary, international character of social media
30:17 Christoph Vandreier on the situation in Europe
34:52 Tom Peters on the situation in New Zealand
40:00 Andrea Lobo on the situation in Latin America
49:54 Genevieve Leigh on why the youth are protesting in huge numbers
55:54 Genevieve Leigh on the lessons of the Bernie Sanders experience
01:03:32 Norissa Santa Cruz on "defund the police" vs the fight for socialism
01:08:13 Larry Porter on race vs class in American politics
01:14:16 Larry Porter on the WSWS vs the 1619 project
01:17:42 David North responds to 2019 clip "The next stage of development among the masses of workers in the United States, and including broad sections of the middle class, will not be to the right, it will be to the left."
01:37:46 Christoph Vandreier on the fight against the return of fascism in Germany
01:45:23 Joseph Kishore on relationship of police violence and American imperialist aggression
01:49:26 Larry Porter on the role of the party in stopping fascism
01:56:49 David North: "Build a section of the International Committee" in those countries where they do not exist

Chris Marsden - National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
Cheryl Crisp - Assistant National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

David North - National Chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US)
Joseph Kishore - candidate for US president, National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US)
Christoph Vandreier - National Secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Germany)
Tom Peters - Leader of the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand)
Andrea Lobo - ICFI supporter (Costa Rica)
Genevieve Leigh - National Secretary of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US)
Norissa Santa Cruz - candidate for US vice president, member of the National Committee of the Socialist Equality Party (US)
Larry Porter - Assistant National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) is the worldwide Trotskyist movement, and the party of world socialist revolution. The ICFI is composed of Socialist Equality Parties and Groups throughout the world. The ICFI publishes the World Socialist Web Site:

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