
Fear of Giving Birth - How to Deal with Fear of Giving Birth

Fear of Giving Birth - How to Deal with Fear of Giving Birth Fear of Giving Birth - How to Deal with Fear of Giving Birth

Some women fear panic about childbirth. 14% of the fairer sex would be concerned. in this video we will explain how this phobia impacts pregnancy and compromises the mother.

Up to 14% of women suffer from tokophobia. This barbaric name designates an unrecognized evil, the phobia of childbirth. If the vast majority of women fear this intense and unknown moment, for some it is an insurmountable fear.

Tokophobia comes in three forms. First of all, it concerns women who have never been pregnant. And precisely, to avoid becoming so, they combine contraceptives until they get sick. The second category includes women who have already given birth and for whom this event has been a trauma. They do not want to relive this moment and therefore, no longer give birth. The last category is that of women who are pregnant and who have tenfold prenatal stress. They cannot give birth.

For women whose childbirth went wrong, trauma must be treated. In some cases, they almost died, lost their child or he was born with an illness, a malformation ... So many traumatic situations that should be identified and relieved with specific therapy. ”For women who have never had a child or who are expecting one, tokophobia often reveals sexual abuse in childhood, rape. Indeed, the baby must pass through the vagina but the woman unconsciously associates this area with her own trauma. Birth is then a way for them to relive their aggression ”, specifies the specialist.

Sometimes, tokophobia women also deny pregnancy. They also use several abortions in order to avoid giving birth. For them, the cesarean section represents a solution to avoid giving birth. It allows them to avoid the physical process of giving birth.

Women who suffer from tokophobia are afraid of dying during childbirth. Often, they imagine the worst as for the course of this moment making the birth in some times longer than normal. These women also fear that something might happen to their child during childbirth and that he himself dies.

These women are afraid of giving birth to a child who is sick, deformed, or with a health concern. This phobia also reflects the fear of becoming a mother.

In some cases, women also have a panic fear of hospitals and the medical community. In some patients, this fear is the result of a confrontation with the medical environment which did not go well. For them, it is never a happy event which they rejoice.

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