Please join me in supporting them on social media:
Instagram: @degrotesquedami
Twitter: @degrotesquedami
Youtube: degrotesquedami
Many people have been asking me about Jeffree Star in relation to this issue, and my support for his products. I emailed Jeffree for a written comment regarding his stance on the issue, and I heard nothing back. So I’ve decided to not only pull my Jeffree Star review videos, but also pull my support for any of Jeffree Star’s products UNTIL he makes a statement thoroughly denouncing his support for Dahvie, and I would encourage you to do the same. Props to Creepshow Art, Tehmimi, and any other youtuber standing up for what’s right, and the more examples we set, the more people will follow and also take action. Money is great, but there comes a time when you have to stand for something bigger, and standing for abuse victims (children or adult) is as noble of a cause as it gets.
Lastly, thank you to all of my subscribers and supporters. I can’t believe how many supportive comments and love that’s been shown to me for doing this work. You’re my youtube family and I thank you so much. Please join me in supporting Damien and the other victims on their social media, and giving them all of the love and support we can.
A subscriber (Kaalyn) was gracious enough to leave this resource for anyone dealing with any kind of trauma. The name of the website is beautyafterbruises.org and all of their social media has the same name. The have alot of information and tools for dealing with childhood and complex / long term trauma. Please visit them if you need any information. And thank you for this amazing resource Kaalyn!
Like and subscribe, and follow me on social media!
💜Patreon - coming soon!
💜Instagram - instagram.com/pastel_belle_
💜Twitter - Twitter.com/pastel_belle
✔Business Inquiries: Pastelbellebusiness@gmail.com
Hi! About me FAQ:
My name: Belle
Age: 22
Height: 5'4
Weight: 122 lbs
Nationality: American (Ukranian / Welch)
Sexuality: Demisexual / pansexual / queer 🌈
Favorite Foods: Ramen, Curry and Pad Thai!
Favorite Music: My Chemical Romance / The Birthday Massacre / Girl In Red
Fun fact: Up until I was 15, I thought CVS stood for "Cosmetics & V@gina Stuff" 👀
❤Thank you for supporting me!❤