
FAST ENGLISH SKILLS: How to Speak English Fast with Linking

FAST ENGLISH SKILLS: How to Speak English Fast with Linking #stayhome #withme and #learnathome ! :) Do you want to speak English fast? Are you looking for English speaking lessons? Are you curious about how fast English works? I hope so! In this video I’ll help you learn specific skills for speaking English fast. We’ll look together at a single English sentence, breaking it down to understand it fully. In my opinion if you want to speak fast English the main skill you should work on is linking. When you improve your use of linking, your spoken English will begin to sound more natural and smooth. I will also teach you a bit about rhythm in English. The two concepts work together to help you speak English more like a native speaker. Mastering fast English will become easier as you improve your linking skills. At first you’ll likely feel as if you’re speaking English in a way that’s sloppy or wrong. That’s totally natural! Learning fast English speaking requires a whole new way of you using your voice. It’s totally normal to feel odd at first. But you can do it! I’ll help you pick up this linking skill set quickly and you’ll be on your way to speaking faster English in no time!
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Improve your American Accent / spoken English at Rachel's English with video-based lessons and exercises. Rachel uses real life English conversation as the basis for teaching how to speak English and how to sound American -- improve listening comprehension skills. Study English vocabulary and English phrases such as phrasal verbs, as well as common expressions in English. Learn American idioms and American slang.

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