
Night Photography Without a Tripod or High ISO film | Is It Possible?

Night Photography Without a Tripod or High ISO film | Is It Possible? I really need to work on my titles and thumbnails, I know.

Anyways, in this video I'll be doing something of a tutorial on how-to shoot night photography without the use of a tripod or high ISO film. It can be done, although it's a very different look since the shadows will be crushed to death and all the light touches is all you'll see.
I just used a NIkon F5 with a 50mm and 85mm lenses - fancy set up, but I feel as though I got better results with a Canon AE-1 Program years ago - so don't go running to the store to get one of those. Film was Kodak Ultramax 400 - one at box speed and the other at 3200.
#KodakUltraMax400 #NightPhotography #LowISONightPhotography

night photography,kodak ultramax,ultramax pushed 3 stops,nikon f5,handheld photography,how to shoot film at night,night photography without tripod,shooting handheld,night photography on film,kodak ultramax 400,400 iso film at nigh,ultramax 400,color photography at night,

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