to get the gsa bond templates and the 1099 oid and the MSO template for the owner as well as the form 206 evidence for life email us at themullings@gmail.com
Attention office of all international authority’s federal bureau investigations also the fraud department also Interpol heads also Patrick Yoes dba National President also
Kenneth Charles "Chuck" Canterbury, Jr. is the immediate past president of the national Fraternal Order of Police and was nominated by President Trump to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Wikipedia as it now appears to be a bank fraud fraudulent conveyance of language scheme a foot stealing the peoples wealth by devaluing certain currencies aka federal reserve notes under the deceptive guise of a patent claiming to be a global virus which it appears to be some type of deceptioin a foot find all those implementing all and charge this night for treason and fraud stop it all now i command and demand all stops now by the grace of almighty god
ell him that all quarantine on the people globally must stop now so the people must be able to move around freely by the grace of almighty god now for us Nationals here Allodial Title American Indians the original indigenous people made disabled by fraud agents attempting to commit peonage inheritance identity theft on us heirs also tell him to have the schools and return the people to their jobs this night thank you and if there is any thing else really important I forgot to mention once lawful and helpful add it and send it to him now thank you
by: Nobel Honorabel Ang El Inah D Al Phette El Allodial title American Indian Moorish American national all rights reserved without recourse ucc 1-308 Reubenite tribe chief thank you
Attention all international authrorities globally agent dba Finance Minister Nigell Clark also Federal Bureau investigations also interpol also Patricia Atkinson thank you for supporting us here yesterday also Susan Wojcicki its been reported to us that there seems to be some new trolls find them all and remove them from youtube and charge them each for said trespass interference thank you FBI agents and the fraud department heads send all we shared with you yesterday for Nigel Clark dba finance minster here and tell them to clear their inbox so we can share with them what the angels and anscestor wish to share with them also tell Patricia to give said package now to Ricardo Mangaroo thank you dba head for UPS Tara here thank you by: Nobel Honorabel Ang El Inah D Al Phette El all rights reserved ucc 1-308 without recourse Allodial title American Indian Moorish American National the original Jew the original indigenous people on the planet
go watch the movie Bowfinger with Eddie Murphy and Steve Martin
and watch the movie Austrailia
we tried tee tree oil olive oil castor oil coconut oil calm vitality magnesium 32 per cent food grade hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and vinegar to clean everything mostly all natural what we no longer use deodarants make up name brand clothes perms etc we try our best to stay as natural as we can we make our own ginger juice and tamrind juice and lime juice and make peppermint teas from our peppermint tree and mango leaf and lime leaf teas as well
here is ones channel with more research laws history our experience and remedies with laws and history to use to get free
here is a free church which speaks to 501c3 and being tax exempt etc thank you to teacher copper aborigines for sharing this link with us here this night thank you
here is another order from Donald trump on free speech and the right to assemble have pinned this link in the comment section in this video
The Teacher
7:52 AM (1 minute ago)
to me
Thank you Sister Nobel El
I thought it best that u read it first because this in its self could be added to our documents or a document sent to each States representative's and officials.as we have a right to free speech its in the constitution
for some of the other things i talked about here trevor noah go to our previous video for his link we did not watch the entire program as it went against our soul
like share subscribe and remember to give each of these videos a thumbs up and to support us here go to paypal at themullings@gmail.com