
The Power of Vital Force - Rajshree Patel's awaited book

The Power of Vital Force - Rajshree Patel's awaited book Have you ever noticed that people are constantly chattering on their cell phones - speaking, texting, browsing on social media, or emailing? The only other place where there is more chatter than on our smart phones is the incessant “self-talk” in our head. All day and unfortunately even at night, when the inner chatter needs to dial way down for us to rest and relax, it’s still going. We don’t realize it, but many of us live in a state of constant personal energy crisis.

But what if just 10 minutes a day could completely transform the rest of your day?
- Dial down the chatter in your mind and transform how you think, feel and act
- Transform stress and anxiety to confidence and maximize your potential
- Discover the best kept secret to buying time so you can do more of what you want
- Find out why you don't need to focus or concentrate to meditate

It can be as simple as that. In her book, The Power of Vital Force (, federal prosecutor, turned mind and meditation expert, Rajshree Patel explores the ancient secrets of energy, breath and meditation to fuel peak performance and maximum happiness. Filled with simple and practical tools and techniques, the book helps you turn off your busy mind and turn on your power.

The book is available for order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Pre-order, before October 1st, and receive a special gift – Mind your Energy – an 11-session online program with Rajshree.

"By contemplating and applying the precious knowledge in The Power of Vital Force, you will learn to make everything in your life easier . . . Relationships. Jobs. Family. Creativity. Happiness. And maybe even doing something more game-changing than you've ever thought possible."
- Dave Asprey, Founder of Bulletproof and author of New York Times bestseller The Bulletproof Diet

Don’t wait, get your copy now at

Barnes and Noble:

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