
Why are bees important?

Why are bees important? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE ►

Bees are important, right? That seems to be the general consensus. But is it true? And should you still care even if you don’t eat honey. Phil argues that the answer is ‘yes’ and presents his top five reasons that explain just why bees are so important.


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Refs ►

WELLS, M. 2011. Vanishing bees threaten US crops. BBC. Available from:
POTTS, S. G., BIESMEIJER, J. C., KREMEN, C., NEUMANN, P., SCHWEIGER, O. & KUNIN, W. E. 2010. Global pollinator declines: trends, impacts and drivers. Trends in ecology & evolution, 25, 345-353.
BIESMEIJER, J., ROBERTS, S., REEMER, M., OHLEMÜLLER, R., EDWARDS, M., PEETERS, T., SCHAFFERS, A., POTTS, S., KLEUKERS, R. & THOMAS, C. 2006. Parallel declines in pollinators and insect-pollinated plants in Britain and the Netherlands. Science, 313, 351-354.
GOULSON, D. 2013. A sting in the tale. Jonathan Cape. UK.
GALLAI, N., SALLES, J.-M., SETTELE, J. & VAISSIÈRE, B. E. 2009. Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. Ecological Economics, 68, 810-821.
RC KEOGH, APW ROBINSON and IJ MULLINS. Pollination Aware, Case Study 34: Tomatoes. RIRDC Publication No 10/141. ISBN 978-1-74254-111-2
BBCT. 2014. Some fascinating facts about Bumblebees. Available from:
BUGLIFE. 2014. Oil Beetle: Available from:
ZOLFAGHARIFARD, E. 2011. UK engineers develop bee-based security device. The Engineer. Available from:
GOULSON, D., HANLEY, M. E., DARVILL, B., ELLIS, J. & KNIGHT, M. E. 2005. Causes of rarity in bumblebees. Biological conservation, 122, 1-8.
BWARS. 2012. Information Sheet Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) [online]. Accessed:26th August 2012]. Available from:
EAC 2013. Environmental Audit Committee: Pollinators and pesticides: seventh report of session 2012-13, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. Stationery Office.


Copyright ►

"Honeybee-cooling cropped" by Björn Appel, Username Warden. Edit by Waugsberg (cropped) - Own work at
“Beehives at an organic farm” by Jessica Reeder at
“Hall of Biodiversity, American Museum of Natural History” by InSapphoWeTrust at
“Day 120 - West Midlands Police - Response Officer on duty” by West Midlands Police at
“How can you train honeybees to sniff for bombs?” by Los Alamos National Laboratory at
“Parallel cloud bands converge at the horizon over a landscape of ice floes, melt pools, and a polynya to the right. August 19, 2009” by Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colon at
“Male bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum) on a finger, Sandy, Bedfordshire” by Orangeaurochs at

Eco Sapien,Conservation,Conservation Biology,Biodiversity,Science,Bee (Animal),Ecology (Media Genre),Biology,Education (TV Genre),Documentary (TV Genre),Honey Bee (Literature Subject),Hymenoptera (Organism Classification),Insectivora (Organism Classification),Entomology (Field Of Study),Ecology,Ecosystem services,Animal (Film Genre),Flower,Garden,Flowers,

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