
Time Table

Time Table A man posing as a physician holds up the baggage-car crew and escapes with a $500,000 payroll while the train speeds through the Arizona night. , Paul Bruckner, a fake doctor leaves the train with his "patient" and the "patient's wife", who is really Bruckner's wife Linda. Charlie Norman, an insurance investigator is put on the case to work with the railroad's investigator Joe. Joe and Charlie are friends. Joe is upset that Charlie and his wife have to postone their vacation to Mexico. Charlie's concern goes beyond his spoiled vacation as he was behind the holdup. A few month ago Charlie has fallen in love with Linda while he was investigating a claim Bruckner has filed against his insurance company. Joe can find out only waht Charlie wants him to find out about the perferct timetable for the robbery.

Time Table,Mark Stevens,Cinenet,Crime,Drama,Fake,Baggage,Robbery,Arizona,Wesley Addy,Auf den Schienen zur Hölle,train,Timetable,detective,triangle,murder,movie,full,compleze,classic,Film (Film),

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