Smallest cameras with largest sensor- Sony VG900(full frame) and VG30 (APSC)$700 used to $3,000 new
Micro Four Thirds MFT interchangeable Lens camcorder- Panasonic AF100 $700 used, Walmart still has some new ones on their website for $2,200
Most popular interchangeable lens camcorder- Canon C100 mark II $2,700 new
Most unknown interchangeable lens Super 35 sensor camcorder- JVC LS300 $2,000 new
Best of the bunch- Sony FS5 mark II (better video quality than original FS5) $4,700 new
To see more pics of Cara, go to www.ShortsIllustrated.com
Cara's Instagram page is www.Instagram.com/IamCaraBrotman
Our Instagram page is www.Instagram.com/MarkusAndCara
Our health and better life channel is www.TheHealthyLife.com
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