
Operational and Safety Based Analyses of Varied Toll Lane Configurations

Operational and Safety Based Analyses of Varied Toll Lane Configurations UTC: Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM)
Speaker: Didier M. Valdes Diaz and Benjamin Colucci Rios from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez

Managed lanes facilities are providing an opportunity to reduce travel time as well as pollution worldwide. In 2013, Puerto Rico built their first ever two lane reversible Dynamic Toll Lane (DTL) facility. The 10.4-kilometer managed lane, located at the median of the PR-22 freeway, is shared by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and passenger cars. Safety issues have been found associated to sudden lane changing and incorrect use of the designated DTL exit. An online survey was developed to gather information and knowledge of drivers in managed lanes facilities. A driving simulator was used to study the safety aspects of driving behavior along the PR-22 DTL. The University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez cockpit simulator was used to compare the driving behavior between two configurations of signage and pavement markings. Configuration 1 corresponds to the existing condition of signage and Configuration 2 consists of a proposed treatment of signage and in-lane pavement markings. The information gathered in the online survey was used to develop the proposed treatment. A total of 24 participants drove 6 representative scenarios based on the independent variables traffic flow and time of the day. The performance measurement used to evaluate driving behavior was the vehicle Average Lane Position. The results indicate that Configuration 2 improved the Average Lane Position variable in at least 67% of the zones evaluated, when compared to Configuration 1.

safety,simulation,travel time,dynamic toll lane,research,puerto rico,simulator,signage,pavement markings,

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