
Fiscal Policy and Stimulus: Crash Course Economics #8

Fiscal Policy and Stimulus: Crash Course Economics #8 In which Jacob and Adriene teach you about the evils of fiscal policy and stimulus. Well, maybe the policies aren't evil, but there is an evil lair involved. In this episode we learn how government use taxes and spending influence the economy. Sometimes the government gives, and sometimes it takes. And the giving and the taking can have a profound effect on how economies behave.

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Crash Course,crashcourse,jacob clifford,adriene hill,Stimulus,Fiscal Policy,Economy,tax,spend,taxes,spending,government spending,debt,national debt,marcoeconomics,milton friedman,john maynard keynes,AP,test,study,homework help,teacher resource,john green,hank green,Economics (Field Of Study),Macroeconomics (Field Of Study),credit,

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