
The Very Best Waheguru Simran

The Very Best Waheguru Simran Waheguru is a name given for God and commonly translates as Wonderful God. Simran refers to the remembrance of God. Kirtan are words or phrases which are sung in praise of God.

Waheguru Simran is one of the best ways to directly connect with God.

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Lyrics -

Waheguru... (04m 22s)

Namo japo mera sajan saina, (x8)
(So chant [sing] naam [the name of God], my friends and companions)

Naam bina mai avar na koi, (x4)
(Without the naam, there is nothing else)

Vadey bagh gurmukh har laina, (x8)
(By great good fortune, the Gurmukh [one who faces the Guru] receives)

Waheguru... (07m 43s)

Kar bande tu bandagi, (x8)
(Human, pray to God)

Jichar ghat meh saho, (x4)
(for as long as your body can breathe)

Kudrat keem na janeeai, (x4)
(God's value cannot be known)

Vada veparvaho, (x4)
([God is] great and carefree)

Kar bande tu bandagi, (x4)
(Human, pray to God)

Jichar ghat meh saho, (x4) (09m 55s)
(for as long as your body can breathe)

Waheguru... (13m 09s)

Visar nahin datar, (x8)
(Never forget me "giver" [God])

Apna naam deho, (x4)
(please bless me with your naam)

Gunn gava din raat, (x12)
(Sing [God's] praises day and night)

Nanak chaao eho, (x4)
(Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire)

Waheguru... (14m 59s)

Kabir har ka, har ka simran jo karai, har ka simran jo karai,
(Kabir, whoever remembers God, whoever remembers God)


Kabir har ka simran jo karai so sukhiaa sansar, so sukhiaa sansar,
(Kabir, whoever remembers God, will remain at peace in this world)

It ut kateh na dolee jis rakhai sirjanhar, rakhai sirjanhar
(Here or there [afterlife], one who is protected by God shall never waver)

Waheguru... (20m 58s)

Kabir meri simrani,
(Kabir, my prayer beads)


Kabir meri simrani, rasna upar raam,
(Kabir, my prayer beads are the tongue on which God is remembered)


Kabir meri simrani, rasna upar raam, rasna upar raam,
(Kabir, my prayer beads are the tongue on which God is remembered)

Aad jugadi sagal bhagat ta ko sukh bisram, (22m 25s)
(from the beginning, and throughout the ages, the pious live in peace)

Waheguru... (30m 33s)


Satgur paas benantiaa,
(I offer this prayer to the true Guru)


Satgur paas benantiaa, milai naam adhara, milai naam, naam adhara,
(I offer this prayer to the true Guru, to support me with [God's] naam)

Tutha sacha paatisaho, Tutha sacha paatisaho taap gaiaa sansara,
(When the true God is pleased, the world is rid of its afflictions)

Waheguru... (33m 48s)

Sajaṇ sacha paatisaho sir sahan dai saho, (x4)
(My friend is the true God, the head over all sovereigns)

Jis paas bahithiaa sohiai, (x2)
(we are beautified by the one [God] we are sitting by)

sabhnan da vesaho, (x2)
([God has] the trust of all)

Waheguru guru... (35m 35s)

Janam janam ke dukh nivarai, dukh nivarai,
Janam janam ke dukh nivarai, suka mun sadharai,
([God] removes the pains of countless births, and supports the dry, shriveled minds)

Dharsan bhetat haut nihala har ka naam bicharai, naam bicharai,
(Seeing and meeting [God] I become happy, all should think about the naam)

Waheguru guru... (37m 03s)

Vin tudh hor je mangna sir dukha kai dukh, (x4)
(To ask for any other than you [God] is an unhappy head full of suffering)

Dehi naam santokhiaa, utrai mun ki bhukh, (x2)
(Please give me the contentment of your naam, so that the hunger of my mind can be satisfied)

Waheguru guru... (40m 27s)

Tera kita jato nahi maino jog kitoi, (x4)
(I have not appreciated what you [God] have done for me, please make me worthy)

Mai nirguniare ko gunn nahi, aape taras paioee, (x2)
(I am unworthy - I have no virtues, you have taken pity [on me])
aape taras paioee, aape taras paioee,

Waheguru guru...

Taras paia mehramat hoi, satgur sajan miliaa, (x4)
(You took pity on me and blessed me with your mercy, I have met the true Guru, my friend)

Nanak naam milai taa jivan, tun mun thivai hariaa, (x4)
(Nanak, if I receive naam I live, and my body and mind will thrive)

Waheguru guru... (44m 49s)

Mun mehi raam nama jaap, Mun mehi raam nama jaap,
(I chant [sing] naam within my mind)

Kar kirpa vasho merai hirdhai, Kar kirpa vasho merai hirdhai,
(Let me have your mercy and dwell within my heart)

hoe sahai aap, hoe sahai aap, hoe sahai aap, (x2)
(Please, become my helper)

Waheguru guru... (46m 34s)

Je tu mitar asadrha hik bhori na vechor, (x4)
(If you [God] are my friend, then don't separate yourself from me, even for an instant)

hik bhori na vechor, hik bhori na vechor, (x2)
(Don't separate yourself from me, even for an instant)

Jio mahinja tao mohiaa, tao mohiaa kad, pasi jani tohi,
(My soul is enchanted by you [God] when will I see you, my love?)

Waheguru... (56m 49s)

Tera ek naam tare sansar, (x2)
(Your one name [God] can save the people of the world)

Mai eha aas eho aadhar, (x3)
(This is my hope, this is my support)

Waheguru guru... (59m 06s)

Singh,Sikhism (Religion),Sikh,Waheguru,Kirtan,Simran,

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