
Your Situation Is Temporary | There Are Folks Who Are In A Worse Place Right Now!

Your Situation Is Temporary | There Are Folks Who Are In A Worse Place Right Now! Your Situation Is Temporary | There Are Folks Who Are In A Worse Place Right Now!

You are not the first to go through the thing your in right now and you won't be the last. Your situation is temporary. It might last a day, week or more. But it will end!

Remember this. Whatever you're going through there are folks who are in a worse place than you right now.

Thanks for watching. To book a discovery call with me, click this link:

WHAT I DO: I help people with an alcohol problem get sober, stay sober and take back control of their lives.

WHO I WORK WITH: I partner with business owners, executives, and those with high pressure targets.

HOW IT WORKS: We start with a free strategy call. If we agree that we're a good fit, we'll diary three sessions, usually about a week apart.

WHAT OTHERS SAY: "I’d been drinking alcohol on a regular basis for several decades, always thinking I’d stop one day. I heard about Paul’s work and decided to give it a try. What did I have to lose? After years of struggling with my issue, I was blown away with how easy it was to change.

Paul has a calming, grounded energy and I immediately felt at ease in his presence. Despite the obvious apprehension prior to my first session, I was able to totally relax and be in the moment from the outset.

The urge to drink alcohol literally disappeared overnight. There were a few fleeting moments where I thought about it briefly, but these soon faded once the change was embedded into my subconscious. The whole process took a mere 3 weeks, which I found astounding.

I would thoroughly recommend Paul as a practitioner for making positive changes in your life. He was incredibly supportive during the process. I didn’t need any help between sessions, but he offers this as part of the service. At the end he even guided me through the methods I could use on myself for any other change work I wanted to do.

I have tried this at home and it works. As a result, I feel empowered to create further change and steer ever closer to my life goals.

Thank you Paul, you have changed my life for the better!"

DISCLAIMER: Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. There is no guarantee as there are many variables that will impact your success. Everything stated should be taken as opinion.

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Your Situation Is Temporary | There Are Folks Who Are In A Worse Place Right Now!,Your Situation Is Temporary,There Are Folks Who Are In A Worse Place Right Now!,How to get out of a bad situation,bad situation,not in a good place,how to get out of a bad situation with no money,not in a good place mentally,not in a good place right now,im not in a good place,not in a good place in life,bad situations,how to get out of a bad situation with parents,

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