My zodiac signs are:
Sun- Virgo
Rising - Capricorn
Moon - Leo
Venus - Libra
N. Node - Aries
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I have been reading tarot cards for close to ten years. I relate to both physical and emotional empaths and have many other abilities, I am sure will come up. My specialty is with your 4 divine numbers given to your at birth, using your birth chart and full name. Let’s break karmic cycles, hexes, curses and remove any blockages refraining you from living your life purpose. Thx for subscribing, liking and sharing my videos! I hope my reads resonate for you!
Decks used:
Pocket Rider Waite Tarot -
Moonology Oracle Cards - Yasmin Boland Oracle of the Unicorns - Cordelia Francesca Brabbs
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Thanks, Harmony and Love!