Being more enthusiastic, having that inner glow about most things in your life, is not an external thing you put on your face. If you try to be enthusiastic about a person or an event without internally feeling so, you most probably can't be enthusiastic.
That's why consciously practicing to increase and manage you inner power is so important. When you have high level of inner energy, you can turn that key when you intuitively know that "This is what I want to use my time doing" or "This is what I want to wake up in the morning for".
So, what is the way increase that inner power to be more enthusiastic? There are things right now that you feel enthusiast about. Do more of those things every day, and you'll experience your overall level of being enthusiastic about other things increases as well.
There will always to a bit dull and boring maintenance tasks in life, but because we are living in the world of duality, it's just a law of nature. On the other hand, name any of your chores and there will be someone who would be extremely happy for being able to do that chore! It's how you label it.
By increasing the level of your inner enthusiasm you will enjoy life's pleasant site more than ever.