Until now.
I feel like I need to make up to you guys for missing our recent Premiere, so, I'm publishing another 'hidden' video for those of you who enjoy our content. And those who don't... exit stage left. ;)
As always, please... leave a comment, or ten. The more the merrier.
And, those of you who'd like to see a LOT more of our unreleased, uncensored, and occasionally... unhinged videos, we post a lot of videos on our Patreon page exclusively. Yeah, it costs a few dollars, but hey... I'm saving up for a haircut, and some shaving cream - and that stuff ain't cheap here in Switzerland. Every donation helps. ;)
Our Patreon page: ...loaded with exclusive videos.
And, a most special thank you to Patreon1, and Patreon2. ;) And of course, a thank you to everyone of you checking our videos out, leaving comments, and hopefully - sharing our videos with every awesome person you know. :)
PJ and Risa
PS. As you may have noticed in this video - we don't consider body parts of defenceless caged animals as food. Yeah, we're vegan. I know, we just lost your subscription. But hey, in case you do have an offbeat sense of humor, and aren't triggered by vegans - do stick around, click Subscribe, and I'll do my best to entertain you while maybe, offering you a few perspectives you may not otherwise have allowed yourself to consider.