
Severe Floods in Bali - Jakarta -West Java (Indonesia) 2020

Severe Floods in Bali - Jakarta -West Java (Indonesia) 2020 Floods and landslides have affected large parts of Indonesia. Homes were damaged or destroyed, and hundreds of people fled their homes.
Flooding in West Java affected about 1,000 families in 6 districts of the Garut Regency in West Java province. Affected areas: Pameungpek, Chikelet, Chibalong, Penday, Singajaya and Banjarwangi.
Indonesia's National Disaster Management Board (BNPB) said heavy rain had caused the Chipalebuh and Sikasso rivers to flood. About 60 houses were damaged, including 7 seriously damaged. Sixty families were relocated to the Pendopo-Pamengpeuk area.
Homes were also damaged by floods and landslides in Regensi Tasikmalaya, West Java province.
A landslide has occurred in the Dow area, Kudus Regency, Central Java.
In the Jagakarsa area of southern Jakarta, flooding has affected several areas. The Indonesian Red Cross has distributed basic necessities, including food, to 271 flood victims.
Meanwhile, in North Sumatra province, flooding affected 1,205 homes and damaged 240 homes in parts of the Mandalin-Natal Regency, according to the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Disaster Relief (AHA Center). Flooding after heavy rain led to the flooding of the Simalagi and Batang Natal rivers.
Flooding occurred in Regensi Seluma, Bengkulu province, affecting 82 families. The BNPB said 225 people were displaced and another 500 or more were injured.
During this time, floods and landslides also occurred in the South Bengkulu Regency, which affected 75 families in the Pinot Raya area.
One person was injured in a landslide in Rendang district, Karangasem district, Bali province on 10 October. Another 2 houses were damaged in the area of the city of Desan Nongan.

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