Every social interaction has at its heart a value exchange of some sort... but not necessarily the kind you might think. You've got a short window to display high value before they lose interest and you lose their attention. But if you state the value proposition explicitly, it typically doesn't turn out very well. Here's how to display high value very quickly without being explicit about it or bragging or qualifying yourself.
I have worked as an Executive Coach since 2003, running programs practically every weekend for the last 17 years in over 100 cities across North America, Australia, Africa and Europe. I’m extremely passionate about getting my students ACTUAL RESULTS and am continually improving my program to achieve this end.
In 2017 I created RESONATOR, the professional guide to healthy powerful and attractive vocal projection technique.
My latest project is the Charisma Mastery Leadership Coaching Program, a comprehensive mentoring course with twice weekly personal communication with myself to hold you accountable.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JeffyHimself
Instagram: JeffyHimself