
Institutional Racism: Another Sorry Excuse

Institutional Racism: Another Sorry Excuse Subscribe on BitChute:

Jared Taylor of American Renaissance tries to understand the concept of "institutional racism." Racism is said to be what holds back blacks and whites in American society, but there just don't seem to be enough racist people or deliberately racist practices to explain large gaps in achievement. The culprit must therefore be institutions, or the structure of society. Jared Taylor shows why this explanation makes no sense, and explains what the real problem is.


Institutional racism,Jared Taylor,American Renaissance,New Century Foundation,Racism,Discrimnation,Affirmative Action,Race and Intelligence,AmRen,NCF,liberal myths,Barack Obama,racists,race and politics,systemic racism,race,American race relations,politics,American politics,bigotry,racial differences,how does institutional racism work,race relations,crime,race and crime,excuses,white racism,

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