A bit more about Cece....
Cece is the Founder and Owner of the Going Solo Network (www.goingsolonetwork.com) as she is the “Doyenne” of Relationship Building.
Her focus is on Divorce Recovery, Relationship Loss, Transition into Dating, Dating, Single Parent’s Support and Singles learning to live their BEST lives.
She is an inspirational Divorce and Life Transition Coach, Public Speaker with a unique style of healing from within. Her intuitive skills reach beyond to those who are struggling in coping and redefining their lives. Cece has relate-ability as she has the “been there done that” approach to life. She has fondly been called the Life Changing Coach - Your Best Friend .... Your Mentor!
She knows what it is like to feel the pain of relationship loss, to separate, divorce and living without her children day to day. Her life has been a rough road with many ups and downs. The everyday pain this involves, the restructuring and redefining of life is something she has herself endured and continues to share this process with others in hope to help those struggling to living their Best Life!
She has helped hundreds...Cece can help you too. Contact her today! Email: GoingSoloNetwork@gmail.com
Her various websites:
GoingSoloMedia.com - Singles Talk Radio, TV & Podcasting
GoingSoloNextStep.com - Transition from Relationship Loss/Divorce, to Dating and living YOUR Best Life!
GoingSoloTravelers.com - Singles Travel Group
DateTheRight1.com - Interactive Dating Site (In The Building Stage)
GoingSoloDirectory.com - Singles Go-to Professional Directory
GoingSoloNetwork.com - Going Solo Connection