
Dr Hakan Acne Treatment And Blackheads Skin Care Facial Cleansing, Acne Removal

Dr Hakan Acne Treatment And Blackheads Skin Care Facial Cleansing, Acne Removal Acne occurs as a result of the obstruction, swelling and subsequent inflammation of the sebum, the oil-secreting ducts, in the middle layer of the skin. As a result of increased oil secretion and clogging of the pores, a black spot (comedones) is formed. Later, these comedones are invaded by bacteria and swollen red and inflammatory swellings form from the skin. Excessive ones leave marks on the skin.

Acne usually begins in adolescence and can last until the thirties and forties. There is also a type of benign acne for infancy. It is more in men than in women. Most often; It appears on the face, back, arms and chest areas.

acial Therapy,Whiteheads acne,Facial treatment Acne,blackheads,Facial Acne,

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