Further reading:
Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here:
Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage:
The Economist explains: the science behind social distancing:
Read about the steroid that has been found to reduce covid-19 deaths:
Read our article about tourism after lockdown:
Why covid-19 raises the risk of violent conflict:
The impact of India’s lockdown on its economy:
Question timecodes:
00:49 - In what ways will the second wave be different to the first wave?
01:44 - Assuming a second wave happens, what is the likelihood that people will comply with another lockdown?
02:37 - Can we expect further waves until we reach herd immunity?
03:30 - How can the world collaborate to stop the spread of covid-19?
04:48 - What impact is covid-19 having on elections in the democratic world?
06:11 - What happens if another virus comes up before we find a vaccine for covid-19?
06:53 - Will the stockmarket decline again with the second wave?
07:47 - What do you think are the positive effects of the pandemic?
09:07 - Can countries afford another long-term lockdown?