
Can Medicare For All Reduce the Cost of Care? | Intellections

Can Medicare For All Reduce the Cost of Care? | Intellections Supporters of Medicare for All claim that it would lower health care costs, but they fail to recognize that these low costs rely heavily on “cross-subsidies” with private insurance. Adopting a Medicare for All system could result in enormous negative impacts in access to and quality of health care. Policy makers should be skeptical of the savings promised by Medicare for All and acknowledge their inevitable consequences.

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Additional resources:

Read “The Sobering Implications of Health Care Reform,” by Lanhee Chen via Defining Ideas. Available here:

Listen to “Lanhee Chen: Democrats Push Single-Payer Health Care Plan” via Townhall Review. Available here:

Listen to “Why the Health Care Wars Just Won’t End” with Lanhee Chen. Available here:

Read “The Sanders Single-Payer Plan Is No Miracle Cure,” by Lanhee Chen and Micah Weinberg. Available here:

Read “The Extremely Bad Economics of Single-Payer Healthcare For California,” by Lee Ohanian. Available here:

Listen to “The Case Against Medicare for All,” with Richard Epstein via The Libertarian. Available here:

Read “The Fraud of Single-Payer Health Care,” by Scott W. Atlas via the Washington Times. Available here:

Read “Single-Payer Health Care,” a Policy Insights edition on PolicyEd. Available here:

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Medicare for All,Health Care,Healthcare,Health Insurance,Medicare,Single-Payer Health Care,Hoover Institution,Hoover Institute,

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