Do you ever struggle with anxiety and fear?
Mother Nature's Mountain Stress and Anxiety relief:
Wim Hof website- Get his FREE mobile App here:
Documentary on Homeopathy "Magic Pills" :
Buy your Fruit Trees, bushes and plants from Stark Brothers here:
NOW through the end of June get 10% off your order of $50 or more when you use the CODE: FITFARMER
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Bootstrap Farmer has a huge selection of seed trays, hoop bender, greenhouse plastic, and more!!
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Mike - @The_Fit_Farmer_
Lacie ~ @Yurt.Momma
Big Pond Farm ~ @BigPondFarm
Selah ~ @SelahDickson
Josiah ~ @Josiah.Dickson
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The Fit Farmer
P.O. Box 5205
Concord, NC 28027
Music by Epidemic Sound (
Some of the links above are affiliate links which means we make a little money, for our family, if you purchase an item through the links above. Thanks for supporting our channel and farm!!!