
German virologist: Covid-19 is less deadly than we thought

German virologist: Covid-19 is less deadly than we thought Read the full accompanying article here:

Freddie Sayers talks to Professor Hendrik Streeck about why he thinks lockdown measures were initiated too quickly, and how his findings show a Covid-19 fatality rate of 0.24-0.36%.

The deadliness of Covid-19, measured by the “Infected Fatality Rate” or what percentage of infected people end up dying, has become an issue of global significance.

At UnHerd, we’ve spoken to experts at both ends of the range of estimates, from Neil Ferguson (who believes the IFR to be just under 1%, perhaps 0.8-0.9%) to Johan Giesecke who maintains that it is nearer 0.1%, or one in a thousand.

This may sound like splitting hairs — they are both under one percent after all — but in reality, the difference between these estimates changes everything. At the lower end, a much more laissez-faire policy becomes possible, and at 30,000 deaths it starts to look like the UK has already been through the worst of it; at the higher end, a policy of continued ultra-caution is necessary because a more relaxed approach could mean hundreds of thousands of additional deaths.

Hendrik Streeck,Germany,Lockdown,LockdownTV,Freddie Sayers,UnHerd,Coronavirus,Covid-19,IFR,Science,Angela Merkel,University of Bonn,Neil Ferguson,Johan Giesecke,SARS-COV-2,Vaccine,

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