
COVID-19 Prepares Believers For Costly Discipleship

COVID-19 Prepares Believers For Costly Discipleship COVID-19 Prepares Believers For Costly Discipleship

( 10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes, free for download)

COVID-19, has indeed, put many believers under a trying test.
But we must not forget that a greater test of costly discipleship could well be on the horizon. And if the church cannot handle the smaller test of COVID-19, the greater test of costly
discipleship, which is the norm in the end-times as portrayed in Revelation, would overwhelm us.

Does Joseph Prince believe in costly discipleship? Unbelievably, no. Not only does he not believe in costly discipleship, he mocks it. This is because his grace doctrine has no place for costly discipleship, which encompasses sacrifice, suffering, and martyrdom of believers. The details of what I have just said can be found in my website, Volume 2, Joseph Prince’s Teachings Are Against Core Bible Doctrines
Chapter 8, Part 1 & Chapter 9, Part 2: What Has Happened To Discipleship?

Let me reiterate what I have said at the beginning that COVID-19 is to prepare believers to handle the greater test of costly discipleship. And costly discipleship where martyrdom will be as common, and many times more intensified than it was in the days of the Book of Acts, could be sooner than we think. Didn’t John write the Book of Revelation to prepare God’s people for the toughest ever persecution that will result in the massive martyrdom of believers just before the return of Christ? What this means is that the glory of martyrdom which began at the start of the Church in the Book of Acts, will climax at the close of history before the glorious coming of Christ.

Friends, martyrdom is not something to be mournful about but it is one glorious way by which we can glorify God. In John 21:19, “Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death (What kind of death? The death of martyrdom) by which Peter would glorify God.” Just as Jesus had given Peter the honour to glorify God by martyrdom, He will give the same privilege and honour to the end-time church.

Rev George Ong’s Website:

Did Joseph Prince Really Prophesy the Coronavirus in 2018?

Who Causes COVID-19, Why & How We Should Respond?

What If Believers Aren’t Healed & Even Died From COVID-19?

COVID-19: Is Life Primarily About Us Or God?


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