
A Muslim's Citizenship is His Belief

A Muslim's Citizenship is His Belief A Muslim’s Citizenship is his Belief

The flag that a Muslim should be proud of is not the flag of a certain nation, nor is their association with others based on blood relations. Indeed, Islam has come to lift man and save him from the shackles of earth and clay, and from the bonds of flesh and blood. Indeed, the Muslim has no homeland except for one where the Laws of Allah are established. The ties between this homeland and its inhabitants are established on the basis of the link between them and Allah. There is also no nationality for a Muslim except the belief that makes him a member of the Muslim Ummah in the Land of Islam. Moreover, the only kinship that matters for a Muslim is that which is founded on the belief in Allah. This ties the bond between a Muslim and their family to a stronger connection with Allah.



You can read chapter seven of the Shuruh, “A Muslim’s Citizenship is his Belief”, on the website of the group The Proclaimers of the Truth:


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