
88 years and 77 years old practice regularly 108 Suryanamaskar

88 years and 77 years old practice regularly  108 Suryanamaskar ' "Yoga helps one to maintain the health and can start at any age and age no bar" says 88 and 77 year old couple from Tamilnadu. They started learning at the age of 83 and 73 years .
They are also joining us daily in Vyaniti online classes spreading Yoga Pranayama and Suryanamaskar as important techniques to prevent Corona Virus.
Join us all on Sat, 28th March for international online 108 Suryanamaskar evening 6:30 Indian standard time. Open for all.
Please mail us if interested in joining us for 108SN tomorrow and regularly with us to make society a better place.


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