
Evening prayer Vigil of the Annunciation of our Lord- March 24 2020

Evening prayer  Vigil of the Annunciation of our Lord- March 24 2020 Tonight is the Vigil of the Annunciation of our Lord. Since I am broadcasting this from Annunciation Rectory in Enterprise, Ontario, it seems very appropriate to acknowledge that although unable to meet together physically, our patronal feast day as a parish begins tonight. Even though all planned festivities have now become virtual ones, it is great to be able to have a reason to rejoice in the midst of this pandemic. Jesus is with us! That is the message of the Annunciation. God is near! God is so close to us and invites us into His embrace, into His intimacy.

The hymn tonight was "Mother of Christ, our hope, our Patroness", and I sang it using a plain chant which came to me in the moment. Thanks Holy Spirit! The text of the hymn is an English Translation of "Alma Redemptoris", by James Quinn, S.J.

Evening prayer tonight consists of 2 psalms: Psalm 113, and Psalm 147, verses 12-20, followed by a New Testament canticle: Philippians, chapter 2: verses 6-11.

The Scripture reading is from the first letter of saint John, chapter 1, verses 1-2.

We sang the Canticle of Mary (Magnificat), interceded for all of us, the Church, the world at large, and some specific intentions.

We prayed the Lord's Prayer (Our Father), followed by a concluding prayer: "God our Father, your Word became man and was born of the Virgin Mary. May we become more like Jesus Christ, whom we acknowledge as our redeemer, God and man."

Then I blessed all of you and sent you forth in peace as missionaries of the Lord's Goodness, Love and Salvation!

Call someone who is elderly or isolated. Call a friend or a family member who I have not talked to much lately. Happy celebrations from the safety of your homes!


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